IR Information Disclosure Policy

1. Basic Information Disclosure Policy

Sanrio Co., Ltd. (the Company) discloses material information that may affect investors’ investment decisions, such as information related to corporate decisions, events and facts, and earnings results and forecasts, in accordance with the Companies’ Act and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law of Japan as well as the “Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuers of Listed Securities” prescribed by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE Timely Disclosure).

2. Method of Information Disclosure

Sanrio discloses material information subject to the TSE Timely Disclosure Rules, in accordance with the rules, on the Timely Disclosure Network provided by the TSE (TDnet).
Following such disclosure, the same information thus disclosed is also provided to the news media and is promptly posted on the Company’s website.

3. Internal Information Control

Sanrio has established insider trading prevention rules in order to prevent insider trading in violation of laws and regulations, by stipulating management standards concerning internal information and matters to be observed when the Board of Directors and employees buy or sell securities of the Company.
In order to achieve the purpose of these rules, the Company seeks to educate its employees on the materiality of internal information control and the intention of relevant laws and regulations concerning insider trading.

4. Quiet Period

In order to prevent the leak of earnings result information and ensure fairness of disclosure to shareholders and investors, Sanrio has established a Quiet Period that extends from the day after the end of a fiscal period to the day of an earnings announcement.
During this period, Sanrio will refrain from responding to or making comments on all inquiries related to earnings results.
However, in the event that Sanrio finds a major discrepancy from its earnings forecasts during the Quiet Period, the Company will disclose the relevant information in accordance with the timely disclosure rules.

5. Disclosure of Information to Third Parties and Earnings Forecasts by Third Parties

Sanrio only mentions facts that have already been made public, known facts, or general business environment information to institutional investors, analysts, and other third parties.
Sanrio does not support any comments or forecasts made by any third party regarding the Company.

6. Other

In addition to this Disclosure Policy, please also refer to the separately-posted Disclaimer when searching for information regarding the Company on this website.